City Manager

City Manager Rick Rudometkin

The city manager is appointed by city council to act as the chief administrative officer of the City of Belle Isle. The manager keeps the council fully informed as to the financial condition of the city and future needs. The manager also staffs city hall, directs and supervises city departments, enforces laws and provisions of the council, and prepares and submits the annual budget.

Dear Belle Isle Residents:


I am honored to serve as the City Manager of Belle Isle. Belle Isle has efficient and effective governance, and that reputation comes from our “can-do” attitude, excellent customer service to our citizens, and the ability to get things done. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our website, where you will find links to our city departments, services, activities, and information on leisure.

Few areas offer such a unique blend of clean and safe neighborhoods, community pride, and managed growth. We are all committed to keeping Belle Isle the premier place to live, work, and play!

City Manager: Rick J Rudometkin
Contact Number: (407) 851-7730