Bing Neighborhood Grants


Neighborhood improvement projects in the municipal limits for the City of Belle Isle proposed by a group of homeowners or by neighborhood or homeowners’ associations within registered and operating limits of the City of Belle Isle shall be considered and eligible for funding under this program. 

  • Be located or take place within the boundaries of the city or its contiguous right of way within Belle Isle City limits.
  • Provide a public benefit to the neighborhood;
  • Shall not endorse or promote any religious or political affiliation or beliefs;
  • Involve neighborhood residents directly in all phases;
  • Be limited to capital improvements, and not association’s operating expenses or budget, or fees and costs of consultants, attorneys or accountants or any other professional services (costs of consultants, attorneys or accountants or any other professional services are considered in-kind as stated in 2.n.,below);
  • Not conflict with or modify,existing or proposed public improvement projects (Curb, sidewalk, drainage structures or pipes, utilities), unless approved by the City Manager or City Council:
  • Represent the neighborhood property owners;
  • Designate a person, association, or a responsible entity to perform the administration and maintenance for the next ten years.
  • Not count the maintenance effort as part of the applicant’s match.It is NOT the intent of this grant program for the City to provide or pay for future maintenance;
  • Be able to award construction contract within 1 month of grant allocation approval by City Council;
  • Provide a 50/50 match of the total cost of the project, including cash, volunteer effort, materials, or any combination (based upon availability);
  • Provide project cost estimate and project schedule. Petitioners must use Orange County estimate forms;
  • Include a signed letter of agreement with City, assuming all liability, insurance, maintenance and holding city harmless; letter of agreement will provide applicant with city’s acceptance of project and confirmation of project grant allocation;
  • Consider as part of the project cost at full market value, in-kind contributions received by the neighborhood.Such contributions shall include items of the total project cost when provided by residents possessing specific skills as an in-kind contribution (i.e. a licensed plumber providing plumbing work at a discounted rate or at no charge; a lawyer rendering legal services, a surveyor providing survey work.Non-skilled labor contributions are allowed to benefit the project at the minimum hourly wage. Federal labor and wages will apply;
  • Neighborhood improvement grants shall be limited to $5,000.00 per District per year; however the amount of funds available will be determined by the City Council at adoption of the annual City Budget.  A District Commissioner may agree to hold over any spending from one year to the next year;
  • Prior to receipt of a grant through this program, Applicants shall make every effort to secure funding from Orange County neighborhood grants before consideration will be given to their application. Grants are limited to one per year per neighborhood group.